Big Tooheys Can and shack at Albert
2 people holding beers outside the rabbot trap hotel Albert
The Rabbit Trap Hotel Albert


To describe this small town in one word would ironically be “big” – as in the big wide spaces in all directions that have long played muse for many poets, authors and artists over the years. 

Then of course there are the big things you might spot in town. It’s easy to see why it’s called the Rabbit Trap Hotel, with a giant version of its namesake trap resting on the establishment’s roof and historic trapper’s hut nearby. And just across the road, you simply cannot miss the ‘Big Beer Can’ – another giant selfie magnet.

But arguably bigger than even these are the big smiles and personalities you’ll meet in town – a community built on grains and happily fuelled by it too (just add hops, yeast and water!). So be sure to stop in for a cold beer and a ‘big’ story or two!

Stay in Lachlan Shire, NSW, for outback allure, historical richness, cultural immersion, adventurous escapades, and captivating stargazing beneath pristine skies.

Witness Utes in the Paddock, embrace Wiradjuri heritage, explore vast landscapes, and stargaze under pristine skies.

Indulge in Lachlan Shire, savor outback flavors, sip local wines, and relish warm hospitality at charming eateries amid stunning vistas.

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