Red Dirt
red dirt dry leaves

The outback

The Outback of NSW is a wonder in itself. Unlike the bustling cities, out here it’s more about celebrating the vast open spaces – embracing the emptiness over a checklist of man-made attractions. The absence of noise. The absence of people. It’s a reminder that this land was here long before us and will be here long after. 

For thousands of years, the Wiradjuri people have had strong connections to this land – as caretakers, using only what they need and placing great significance on the rivers, lakes and animals that inhabit the earth. This is reflected through many of our artworks and how we tell the stories of this region. 

The Outback is also a land of contrasts – where colours that seem muted burst forth in glorious colour at different times of day or times of year. Where unassuming hills hide rich deposits of gold, silver and other precious metals. And where the big spaces can make you feel so small. 

This is the ‘heart of country’. This is the Outback.


Erronmallong Mountain rises to 279m a short drive from Condobolin – easy to spot as the backdrop to the large steel ‘Heart of Country’ warrior sculpture. The mountain is depicted in Dreaming stories and in a large mural at the Wiradjuri Study Centre.